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Baking Bread

I haven’t perfected this but have got to a point where I can predictably bake a very nice reasonably attractive looking sourdough. I try to do 2 or 3 a month but usually manage 1 or 2. Ideally I manage to make bread on a slower Friday for the weekend.

Start out with making a starter, then have a go at the basic sourdough which doesn’t require any additional equipment. If that was enjoyable, then the seeded sourdough is my recommendation for a reliable tasty recipe for consistent baking, and my go to. Requires a few bits of equipment, which I can recommend investing in if you have baked a few loaves and want to continue. Most valuable is the banneton, linen, pyrex dish and baking dish, but a good scale and especially an oven thermometer will remove a lot of uncertainty.


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